Thursday, November 19, 2009

Am I really doing this?

So--eventhough I swore I would NEVER, never...NEVER have a blog, here I am. Oh boy...

But, here's the deal. I read everyone else's all the time. And, I'm constantly getting messages and e-mails asking how things are going, what the next step is in life, etc. So, why not?! Plus, I mean, it IS 2009. My professor told me today to catch up on the technology. So what if I can't use touch phone?! Anyway, I'm humbling myself and creating a blog. ha. Happyyyyy readingggg!!!

So, for the basics... and some:
1. I graduate in exactly 4 months and 2 days. For most, this is exciting but...
2. I'm not good with change.
3. I am applying for law school right now: Baylor, University of Houston, Creighton, Tech, St. Mary's, Texas Wesleyan, and SMU. Surely ONE of them will accept me.
4. In the meantime, I'm waiting to hear back on some internships I've applied for in the Spring. I'll either be in Plano, St. Louis, D.C., Virginia, Lubbock or Snyder. Hmmm...
5. I'm terrified and confused about what next semester holds, but I'm taking the Lord at his word and trusting that he will do "immeasurably more than anything we ask or imagine!"
6. T-8 days=THANKSMAS! wooooo!!!! :)
7. Maci Glynn entered the world today! Yay, Abby and Jantz!! So ready to meet this precious angel.

WELL, that's all I've got for now. We'll see how good I am at this. :)


Now to him who is able to do IMMEASUREABLY more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be GLORY in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout ALL generations, FOREVER and EVER! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

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